Welcome to Arts for Health
We work with our clinical teams to provide creative delivery of high quality, inclusive engagement, bringing benefits to our service users, carers and staff and improving clinical outcomes. We work with our facilities and estates team to enhance health environments within and across the Trust patch.
We're passionate about the importance of the arts in healthcare and the difference it can make to the experiences of our service users and staff. Our creative arts activities take place on the wards, bringing creativity in many forms to inpatients, and can include any artform such as visual art, photography, music, dance, drama, creative writing, reading for wellbeing and poetry.
Arts for Health Contact Details
Arts for Health - General Enquiries
Jessica Kent - Arts for Health Lead
Redwoods Centre, Somerby Drive,
Shrewsbury SY3 8DS
Helen Wilson - Project Worker
St. George's Hospital, Corporation Street, Stafford ST16 3AG
Helen.wilson@mpft.nhs.uk 07964208542 / 01785221328
Owen Hurcombe - Digital & Communications Project Worker
St, George's Hospital, Corporation Street,
Stafford ST16 3AG
Diana Buckle - Administrator
Redwoods Centre, Somerby Drive,
Shrewsbury SY3 8DS