Wellbeing Art Group in Stafford page thumbnail

Arts for Health are working with MPFT Community Managed Libraries to deliver a fortnightly Wellbeing Art Group at Holmcroft Library, Stafford. The specific aim of these workshops is to deliver a range of relaxed, supportive creative sessions where adults can learn a new creative skill, take part in a programme of creative activities, with the aim of improving their confidence and self-esteem.

The workshops will provide adults with an opportunity to participate in a range of creative events which will be delivered by local artist Mark Uttley.

As well as the positive impact on participants’ taking part in creative activity, the sessions will also give participants with an opportunity to take time out and take part in hands-on creative activities, providing participants with time away from everyday stresses in a welcoming, social space.

The Wellbeing Art Group sessions will take place on the 4th, 18th October, 1st, 15th, 29th November, 13th, 20th December 202, 3rd January 2024.

The Wellbeing Art Group sessions provide an opportunity of improving health and wellbeing through social interaction, developing new relationships and skills. The sessions are free, and people can book on to the sessions by contacting Holmcroft Library holmcroft.library@staffordshire.gov.uk, telephone 01785 253908.

The sessions have been funded by Stafford District Arts Council through their Covid Recovery Grants.

Arts for Health Contact Details

Arts for Health - General Enquiries


Jessica Kent - Arts for Health Lead

Redwoods Centre, Somerby Drive,
Shrewsbury SY3 8DS

01743 210048 / 07814 752783

Helen Wilson - Project Worker

St. George's Hospital, Corporation Street, Stafford ST16 3AG

Helen.wilson@mpft.nhs.uk                  07964208542 / 01785221328

Owen Hurcombe - Digital & Communications Project Worker

St, George's Hospital, Corporation Street,
Stafford ST16 3AG


Diana Buckle - Administrator

Redwoods Centre, Somerby Drive,
Shrewsbury SY3 8DS
